Welcome to Words in the Wild

Words fill the wild space between you and me, between heaven and earth, between divinity and dust, between spirituality and materiality, between the lines of our one “wild and precious life” (Mary Oliver). 

In this wild space where we wander and wonder, work and worship, watch and wait, I wrestle with the questions of our common quest to be fully human as ones created by God with purpose. 

The last several years have left many of us feeling a rift in society, our souls, our communities, and our relationships. Words are cheap and plentiful, and silence would do our attention some good. And, yet, ideas are things, and words build worlds we have to inhabit. We are word-creatures. We can't escape it. Words matter.

So, among these windswept perimeters of our digital, distracted, divided, and disillusioned age, I am wayfinding to seek wisdom to answer our hunger for meaning, purpose, connection, community, wholeness, goodness, beauty, truth, joy, shalom, and life.

Wild Expectations

I want to write something worth saying, and worth considering, to work toward a future we want to inhabit.

Do we need more words? No. But, each voice is unique. Imposter syndrome will not slay me! Don’t let it silence you either. Each generation looks for words to guide us. It’s our turn.

“Words in the Wild” is where I share original poetry and essays, work out my ideas, interact with other writers both living and dead, and also share pieces written by friends and collaborators (I envision a Writers in the Wild community coming soon). 

I anticipate this space will be a starting point for dialogue, connection, creativity, and solidarity, and that we will all forage some words, ideas, questions, and wisdom to nourish our souls for the journey. In the end, our actions speak louder than our words, so may our words here translate into good for the world.

Sticks & Stones

I hope you’ll find a community of friends here that fosters something richer than just an occasional comment thread. Let’s consider how we can continue to challenge the norms of our media saturated, disconnected, distracted, divided, attention economy, working toward community that nourishes life, joy, and shalom on earth as it is in heaven.

Let’s honor the dignity of one another in a digital space where careless, reckless words commonly do harm. Treat one another with respect; speak authentically with care.

The danger of starting a Substack - or any social media presence - is the potential for immediate affirmation. I am not writing for applause. The other danger is silence; my words fall flat. I will write anyways, because the words burn within my bones and I am looking for trusted places to practice my craft.

So, welcome to the craftsman's table. Don’t mind the wood shavings, dust, and coffee stains. Pull up a stool and let’s get to work.

About the Author

Words have long been a close companion. And so is my search for the Real - a defining feature of my life and my search to live well in the earthly and the spiritual realm, to touch the depths of our given humanity and the reaches of the Divine.

Restlessness, wanderlust, and curiosity have nudged me to explore a variety of places, spaces, and possibilities. I’ve worked in ministry, non profit, for profit, academia, and freelance environments. I’ve traveled and walked alongside refugees, immigrants, international students, and the economically poor. These encounters and relationships have opened my eyes to the experiences of “the other,” the outsider, the marginalized, the destitute, the poor in spirit.

One of the greatest joys and refining fires of my life has been sharing a home and a bond with four humans. Fatherhood and marriage are central to my life and will color the lenses I bring to this newsletter.

I also completed a master’s thesis and degree in Christian theology, investing a good deal of time in thinking, reading, and writing about Christian scriptures, history, theology, ecclesiology, mission, activism, and culture creation. I then produced a podcast and a forthcoming published book (Wayfinding with Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Wipf & Stock, 2024) with my friend and thesis advisor. Those years of reflection will shape the conversation here.

Currently, I work as a writer for a cancer research institute, raise three children, six chickens, and a variety of edible and ornamental plants. Though “the peace of wild things” (Wendell Berry) is hard to come by these days, I adore being on a mountain summit, a windswept prairie, a rugged coastline, or an old growth forest. I also like to laugh, read books, eat food from around the world, talk to strangers, and linger over a campfire with friends.

Finally, I am not an island. Contrary to the American self-made, individualistic ethos that stains our social imaginary, the experiences of my ancestors, parents, siblings, and spiritual community are deeply intertwined in who I am and what I write here. I am grateful for each life that has influenced mine.

Keeping Connected

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Thanks for joining me and considering my contributions to the world of words. May we all give attention to what is good and lasting.



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Words fill the wild space between you and me, between heaven and earth, between divinity and dust, between spirituality and materiality, between the lines of our one “wild and precious life.” In this wild in between, I write about our quest to be human.


Author of "Words in the Wild" Substack and "Wayfinding with Dietrich Bonhoeffer" (Wipf & Stock, 2024).